It feels wrong to look for (or even think about) the few positives that come out of the Rams' departure, but there is an ounce of good news for Blues fans. The city of St. Louis wants to rennovate the Scottrade Center. Photo: CBS Sports Have you ever tried meeting up with a buddy during a Blues game by sending him a text? Does the lack of wireless internet make you sigh during an intermission? Does your butt hurt after sitting down for more than 40 minutes? If you said "yes" to any of these questions—good. They're finally going to do something about it. I don't really mind the seats, honestly. The WiFi was promised to Blues season ticket holders by the end of the season, so I guess the Blues are going to get the cash to do it. Other ideas are new food choices, new apparel in the True Blues store, and a possibly decrease in food pricing (hell yeah). The Blues are looking at upwards of $120 million in upgrades, but an exact price is unknown as of now. I am concerned, however, because we just spent $16.2 million trying to keep the Rams in St. Louis (ICYMI, it didn't work). I don't know what will happen to the Edward Jones Dome. I have heard talks of an aquarium, a parking lot, or simply a place for concerts (I don't think these are accurate/good ideas). According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch ( ), this project will not only upgrade the arena, but it will also upgrade the Rams' abandoned stadium. P.J. Cox
@pjcoxx |
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