I wanted to write something today but couldn't think of an interesting topic. But now that I've got you here I want to thank you guys for the support so far. Blues Buzz started as a silly way for me to share some opinions on the Blues, but it has turned into a site where 10,000 of you go to each month—and several guys are writing with us. That shows me (at least) some of you guys enjoy our work. With that said, we want to thank you. We will do so by going to the next step with this. Expect more opinionated articles, giveaways, and a store in the new year. We can't wait to see what happens, but you can expect more material. And a special thanks to those of you who follow us, like us, and like our articles. By doing so, you are getting our word out there and we appreciate everyone of you. Thank you for suggesting articles and starting conversations. These Blues videos should get you into that holiday happiness. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, Blues Buzz P.J. Cox
Owner @pjcoxx |
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