Brian Elliott left practice early today after taking a shot to the hand. Many fans (including myself) refreshed their Twitter feeds while anxiously biting their lips. Dennis Wierzbicki-USA TODAY Sports Like I said earlier, Brian Elliott's incident wasn't much more than a scare: Let's be realistic now. Elliott took a shot to the hand. Allen is supposed to be reevaluated at the end of the regular season. So we should have two goalies ready or close-to ready come Round 1. Elliott told media he takes pucks to the hands every practice and he should be good to go tomorrow when the Blues will face the Chicago Blackhawks. What did we learn about ourselves in the hour/hour and a half when we thought he might be gone for a while? What does that tell us about our faith in our defense? What about our faith in our backup (to the backup)? Tweet us what you think (@bluesbuzzblog), or drop a comment. P.J. Cox
@pjcoxx |
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